The new addition provides three new BSL-2 laboratory spaces: Game & Fish Lab, Microbiology, and Virology labs. The addition included a new BSL-3 laboratory suite, including a BSL-3 necropsy room and BSL-3 labs, along with administrative office spaces. The project also includes an effluent decontamination system and an incinerator. Mechanical equipment is located in a first-floor level mechanical room and a second floor level mechanical penthouse.
Energy Efficiency
The mechanical systems are variable air volume type systems including the laboratory spaces. The BSL-2 spaces have variable air volume operation during occupied and unoccupied modes of operation. Air pressurization is maintained by allowing supply air and exhaust air airflow tracking. The BSL-3 spaces have constant air volume operation at the lab required air flow rates during occupied modes of operation, and a low airflow rate for energy savings during unoccupied modes of operation. In either case, air pressurization is maintained by allowing supply air and exhaust air airflow tracking.
Variable frequency drives are provided for all fans and pumps that have variable flow for additional savings. All motors are specified as premium efficiency type.
A state-of-the-art energy management system and lighting control system is integrated with the University of Wyoming campus building automation system. The lighting system throughout the office and conference room areas of the building uses highly efficient direct/indirect luminaries with electronic ballasts. Individual room controls consist of either bi-level switching or of a fluorescent dimming luminaries with electronic ballasts. Individual room controls will consist of either bi-level switching or of a fluorescent dimming system.